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profleaddev @ Habr 1 place · 09/23/2024 08:08 EDT

Replit 101: Learn to Use Replit Agent and Deploy Your First App

Did you know that coding tools have evolved so rapidly that they're now shaping the future of programming itself? As technology advances, platforms like Replit are leading the charge, making coding more accessible and collaborative than ever before. In this article, I'll show you what Replit is and how to use it. Read more Read more


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habr_career @ Habr 2 place · 05/25/2021 10:33 EDT

Удалёнка 2021: к чему готовиться при поиске работы

Делимся результатами небольшого исследования, которое Хабр Карьера помогла провести коллегам из OTUS Онлайн-образование. Вместе мы изучили, как пандемия повлияла на работу в ИТ: что изменилось в процессе найма, какие плюсы и минусы находят айтишники в удалённом формате работы. В этом исследовании приняли участие 60 компаний и 350 ИТ-специалистов. В конце статьи мы дали несколько советов, на что стоит обратить внимание при поиске работы в этом году. Читать далее Read more


AnjaHolosova @ Habr 3 place · 05/25/2021 06:39 EDT

One of the ways to dynamically deserialize a part of a JSON document with an unknown structure

In this topic, I will tell you how to dynamically parse and deserialize only part of the whole JSON document. We will create an implementation for .NET Core with C# as a language.For example, we have the next JSON as a data source for the report. Notice that we will get this JSON in the runtime and at the compile step we don't know the structure of this document. And... Read more


prince86 @ Habr 1 place · 05/22/2021 23:52 EDT

Breadth/Depth First Search

A graph is a kind of data structure that includes a set of vertices and edges. Graph traversing means a visit to each vertex of the graph precisely. The graph traversing is used to determine the order in which vertices are being visited throughout the search process. A graph traversing searches for the edges that will be used in the search operation without establishing loops. This means that using graph... Read more


Movergan @ Habr 2 place · 05/22/2021 08:36 EDT

«No Windows no problems» What?

Hi, My name is Alex and I am a DevOps engineer at Altenar. “No Windows, no problems.” - that is the answer I got by asking a guru of Ansible "How do you manage Windows?" on one of the local Ansible meetups. Although we have been running a modern stack (k8s, helm, .net core, etc) in production for about two years, that’s not how it has always been. Read more Read more


prince86 @ Habr 1 place · 05/19/2021 05:30 EDT

Stack And Queue

Stack Stack is a linear data structure. In stack, data access is limited. It follows the rule of insertion and deletion of data. Stack is a collection of only similar data types. Elements in the stack are arranged sequentially. It follows the LIFO principle which is the last-in and first-out rule. ExampleTo understand this concept, let us take an example of arranging coins. If we start placing coins one after... Read more


stefanbuzz @ Habr 2 place · 05/18/2021 08:21 EDT

PVS-Studio New Features for Notifying Developers About Errors Found

PVS-Studio user support often receives clients' suggestions on product improvement. We are happy to implement many of them. Recently one of the users suggested refining the automatic notification utility for developers (Blame Notifier). They asked us to make Blame Notifier extract the date/the code revision to which the analyzer issued a message using blame information from the version control system. This feature allowed us to expand the utility capabilities, which... Read more


alexpatel @ Habr 3 place · 05/18/2021 08:15 EDT

12 Tech Trends Every Java Developer Must Learn To Win The Game In 2021

The previous year has been very distressing for businesses and employees. Though, software development didn’t get so much affected and is still thriving. While tech expansion is continuing, Java development is also going under significant transformation.The arrival of new concepts and technologies has imposed a question mark on the potential of Java developers. From wearable applications to AI solutions, Java usage is a matter of concern for peers.Moreover, it is... Read more


AnnaKhatsko @ Habr 3 place · 05/18/2021 03:54 EDT

Как выстроить эффективный поиск сотрудников: опыт игроков IT-рынка

IT-компания Omega провела вебинар «Рекрутмент это вам не рекрутинг». Эксперты digital-рынка искали ответы на главный вопрос 2021 года: как эффективно находить идеальных разработчиков.Представители IT-индустрии рассказали на собственных примерах, как они справляются с трудностями в поиске сотрудников, какие инструменты используют, как проводят собеседования и проверяют soft-скиллы.В вебинаре участвовали генеральные директора и представители HR-направления компаний Holyweb, Globus, BSL, IT Test, Open Solution Read more


denismakesgames @ Habr · 05/17/2021 14:41 EDT

Making Grenades in Unreal Engine Part 2: Attributes, Gameplay Effects, Replication

Link to Part 1.A SimpleGAS is a set of tutorials for entry-level Unreal Engine enthusiasts who wants to leverage the power of the Gameplay Ability System in their prototypes. While there are great tutorials and GitHub repositories which cover the topic of GAS in more depth, this tutorial is requiring a minimum C++ setup and showcases working examples built entirely using Blueprints. This tutorial is for those who are new... Read more


MrDvorak @ Habr · 05/17/2021 09:33 EDT

IncrediBuild: How to Speed up Your Project's Build and Analysis

"How much longer are you going to build it?" - a phrase that every developer has uttered at least once in the middle of the night. Yes, a build can be long and there is no escaping it. One does not simply redistribute the whole thing among 100+ cores, instead of some pathetic 8-12 ones. Or is it possible? Читать далее Read more


temujin @ Habr · 05/17/2021 04:54 EDT

Релиз Linux 5.12, подробности для локалхоста

В самом начале последней недели апреля увидела свет новая версия ядра Linux. Особенностью данного релиза стал сам факт того, что понадобился RC8. Помимо того в течении апреля произошла совершенно невероятная история с исправлениями из Университета Миннесоты, о которых следует рассказать отдельно, когда немного осядет пыль и полностью будет восстановлен ущерб от преднамеренно неисправных патчей.Read more → Read more


no_name_c3po @ Habr 1 place · 05/15/2021 18:24 EDT

Blockchain is the perfect solution to online privacy problem

We are increasingly aware of the importance of our personal data. Primarily due to numerous data leaks and the fact of numerous sales of personal information on the black market. Yes, huge corporations like Apple or Samsung prioritize the preservation of sensitive user data. However, they find it difficult to store and use them at the same time. That is why blockchain technology is the perfect tool for solving the... Read more


PerlPower @ Habr 1 place · 05/13/2021 17:44 EDT

How to connect to FTPS or mount it to local folder

FTPS - is FTP with SSL layer, please don't mess it with SFTP. FTPS uses regular FTP protocol underneath, but all commands and data is encrypted using SSL. So mechanism of work is pretty same as in HTTPS: old protocol encapsulated in security layer. But that's breaks a lot of traditional FTP clients you are used to.So here is 2 dead simple solutions I've tested with many FTPS servers, which... Read more


pureacetone @ Habr 1 place · 05/10/2021 09:59 EDT

[Translation] Yggdrasil Network: Light in the Dark Depths of Mesh, or the Internet of the Future

Smoothly the era of mash-networks is upon us. At the very least, the term is appearing more and more often in the information sphere. What attracts the attention of networkers and why does the title of the article include the term "household mesh-network"? Let's try to understand the question, taking Yggdrasil network as an example as one of the most promising prototypes. The article is intended for a wide range... Read more


Reformat @ Habr 1 place · 05/09/2021 04:03 EDT

Democracy in Telegram groups

Many of us spend time in specialized telegram groups. The power over communication here belongs to random people with their own shortcomings. Conflict and abuse occurs regularly. Is there another way to keep order so that scam spam doesn't flourish and no one has total control over group members? In my case, these thoughts led to the development and testing of a system that can be connected to your Telegram... Read more


tonyzorin @ Habr 1 place · 05/07/2021 09:28 EDT

Customer feedback: The ultimate guide

IntroductionIt was 1989 when 2 editors of Inc. magazine, George Gendron and Bo Burlingham made the nervous drive to Palo Alto, California. Not long beforehand they’d decided on who to name as Inc.’s Entrepreneur of the Decade, and finally, they would get a chance to interview him.As they entered the offices of NeXT, their interviewee approached them. In his trademark jeans and turtleneck sweater, Steve Jobs led them up the... Read more


NIX_Solutions @ Habr 2 place · 05/06/2021 09:43 EDT

Benefits of Hybrid Data Lake: How to combine Data Warehouse with Data Lake

Hey, hey! I am Ilya Kalchenko, a Data Engineer at NIX, a fan of big and small data processing, and Python. In this article, I want to discuss the benefits of hybrid data lakes for efficient and secure data organization. To begin with, I invite you to figure out the concepts of Data Warehouses and Data Lake. Let’s delve into the use cases and delimit areas of responsibility. Read more Read more


nin-jin @ Habr 3 place · 05/06/2021 09:41 EDT

[Translation] $mol_func_sandbox: hack me if you might!.

Hello, I'm Jin, and I… want to play a game with you. Its rules are very simple, but breaking them… will lead you to victory. Feel like a hacker getting out of the JavaScript sandbox in order to read cookies, mine bitcoins, make a deface, or something else interesting.https://sandbox.js.hyoo.ru/And then I'll tell you how the sandbox works and give you some ideas for hacking. Read more → Read more


Shapelez @ Habr 1 place · 05/05/2021 07:59 EDT

Q1 2021 DDoS attacks and BGP incidents

The year 2021 started on such a high note for Qrator Labs: on January 19, our company celebrated its 10th anniversary. Shortly after, in February, our network mitigated quite an impressive 750 Gbps DDoS attack based on old and well known DNS amplification. Furthermore, there is a constant flow of BGP incidents; some are becoming global routing anomalies. We started reporting in our newly made Twitter account for Qrator.Radar.Nevertheless, with... Read more


andrey_sabelnikov @ Habr 1 place · 05/04/2021 02:06 EDT

Atomic Swaps — Taking out the Middleman

And so here we find ourselves in the year of our lord 2021. Global crypto market capitalization is approaching $2 trillion. PayPal is launching a crypto checkout service. Lindsay Lohan is shilling Tron. The Dogecoin Super Bowl commercial didn’t happen, but Elon’s taking it “literally” to the moon instead. Our ascendancy is complete. Crypto is mainstream. But, even today, getting your hands on certain crypto assets can be a bit... Read more


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30.09.2024 01:31
Last update: 01:25 EDT.
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