FAQ Frequently asked questions

What kind of news appear on Times42

We chose sources ourselves, you can check the list of our sources and suggest yours at the sources page. We show news that were published during last 24 hours.

How are the news sorted?

News are sorted by popularity. The more people talk about the news in social media, the more popular it is. News chart is refreshed every 10 minutes.

Some of your news are pretty strange. Do you really think that X or Y news portal suits here?

We don't filter the news out, however users can chose the sources they like.

How can I read the whole text of the news?

Every news article has a link to its source, Times42 only publishes title, short description and additional information like publication date, author etc.

What news are fresh?

Fresh news icon appears if the news is published in the last 2 hours.

What news are popular

Popular news is the one that grew more than 20% in the chart.

My favorite news portal is missing, what should I do?

Please send us the link to the source: info@times42.com

Most popular sources

  • You see 750 news out of 750.
  • Sources 61 out of 61.
Business Insider 46% 0
Wired 14% 12
Gizmodo 8% 0
Eurogamer.net 5% 1
MacRumors 4% 2
View sources »

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24.03.2025 18:26
Last update: 18:20 EDT.
News rating updated: 00:20.

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