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Eyssant @ Habr · 04/03/2024 06:42 EDT

Exploring Oslo A Fusion of Culture, Innovation, Nature, and Weather

Nestled amongst the serene fjords and picturesque landscapes of Norway, Oslo stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of modernity and tradition. This vibrant capital city, with its rich history dating back over a thousand years, offers visitors an unparalleled experience that seamlessly integrates culture, innovation, and the breathtaking beauty of nature, all under the ever-changing skies of its varied weather. Read more Read more


Ninil @ Habr 1 place · 04/01/2024 15:10 EDT

User-defined aggregation functions in Spark

Below, we will discuss user-defined aggregation functions (UDAF) using org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator, which can be used for aggregating groups of elements in a DataSet into a single value in any user-defined way.Let’s start by examining an example from the official documentation that implements a simple aggregation Read more Read more


wingedfox @ Habr 1 place · 03/31/2024 12:17 EDT

Use-Case Evolution Guide

Modern product development demands more and more sophisticated designs. This in turn leads to the increased complexity of both demand and implementation. Business is flooding the architecture and development teams with the new and changed requirements. Development teams are struggling to understand what the business demand is and find the best product increment strategy. One of the widely adopted conversational methods is the Use-Cases. This guide is intended to shed... Read more


deema35 @ Habr 2 place · 03/31/2024 07:38 EDT

Building firmware for Orange PI i96 (Orange PI 2g-iot) from scratch

Hellow my name is Dmitry. Once I bought "Orange PI i96", but unfortunately producer not update it firmvere very long. Last firmwere kernel version is 3.10.62 but kernel current at time this article writing (russian version) is 6.5.1. And so I decide build my own firmware from scratch, and do it from sourse completely. Read more Read more


Brodilla @ Habr 3 place · 03/31/2024 02:08 EDT

[Translation] Bulletproof hosting vs Reverse proxy

Bulletproof, offshore, and just normal hostingEvery country has its laws, just like the internet. Plus, there are a lot of gray areas of activity. We are not talking about unimaginable crimes, and even less about criminality, but about activities more likely to run the risk of drowning in a flood of complaints - software distribution, mailing lists, adult content, copyright, etc.To bypass bans, blocking, and complaints, just and help such... Read more


Eyssant @ Habr 2 place · 03/30/2024 08:30 EDT

Unveiling Switzerland: A Must-Visit Travel List

Switzerland: the very name conjures up images of pristine alpine landscapes, picturesque villages, and a sense of tranquility that seems to permeate the very air you breathe. It's a country that's often synonymous with beauty, precision, and adventure. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking to indulge in some of the finest chocolates and cheeses the world has to offer, Switzerland has something for everyone. So,... Read more


VadimMichaylov (Amvera) @ Habr 3 place · 03/30/2024 08:01 EDT

Best hosting for applications on Python, Java, Node. js, Go, Dotnet, PHP and Ruby

The following types of hosting and clouds can be distinguished for application deployment:- VPS- Serverless- GitOps application enginesIn this article we will not consider VPS hosting, since there are many detailed materials about this.Let's look at application engines and serverless.There are a number of clouds that allow you to deploy an application simply by pushing it to a dedicated Git repository. Read more Read more


UniverAI @ Habr 3 place · 03/30/2024 05:52 EDT

Mechanism Attention, Networks with Attention

Mechanism AttentionAnalysis of the principles of work in seq2seq tasks.Mastering the lesson materials will allow you to study a more advanced technology: mechanism transformers Read more Read more


IhnatKlimchuk @ Habr 1 place · 03/25/2024 10:36 EDT

RSS with types

RSS 2.0 specification was published in 2009 and hasn't moved from that point. The popularity and website adoption of this standard are dropping. People stop using it as it can't compete with social networks owned by big companies, and publishers stop using it is not rewarding. Let's review, analyze, and suggest a possible alternative to RSS. We will go from a concept to a working prototype. Read more Read more


YuriPanchul @ Habr 1 place · 03/22/2024 18:58 EDT

The results of 7 Verilog meetups + the goals and the steps going forward

Since the New Year we had 7 Verilog meetups at HackerDojo. We discussed the modern way of designing digital circuits using hardware description languages, the exercises on FPGA boards and the topic of microarchitecture. For the last two sessions we went over the most basic CPU core that can be used as a baseline for further exercises.Now, in order to make progress toward the goal of creating new educational materials,... Read more


Brodilla @ Habr 2 place · 03/22/2024 01:00 EDT

[Translation] How to file a complaint against any internet website

Nowadays, digitalization has made the Internet accessible to all segments of the population. If we analyze the report of our phone usage, it seems that most of our time is spent online. While this fact may be concerning, I justify it by the fact that my job involves working on the Internet (Are you?). In our daily routines, we interact with numerous people, websites, and programs online... However, this also... Read more


MR_VF @ Habr 1 place · 03/18/2024 10:00 EDT

Chasing a dream: How to become Adventure Builder and make giant spider robot with your own hands

Have you ever wondered how difficult it is to turn something you have in mind into a real product? For example, would you be surprised to see someone controlling a huge iron robot spider that can turn on the spot and walk obediently to his pilot's directions?To realize his idea, this persistent designer overcame many obstacles: he invented the mechanism himself, mastered the skills of aluminum welding, laser cutting, 3D... Read more


netleon @ Habr 2 place · 03/18/2024 00:50 EDT

Productivity in Silence: The Ideal of Eliminating Meetings

In the software development industry, a lot of time and resources are spent on meetings. Many managers have calendars filled with meetings most of the time. According to a study by Atlassian, the average worker spends up to 31 hours a month on unproductive meetings. That's about 8 hours a week, which is equivalent to a full work week for one employee out of a team of five people every... Read more


Eyssant @ Habr 1 place · 03/15/2024 14:30 EDT

Decoding the Science Behind Weather Prediction

Weather, a perennial topic of conversation, influences our daily lives in myriad ways. From planning outdoor activities to safeguarding against natural disasters, understanding weather patterns is crucial. But have you ever wondered how meteorologists predict the weather with such accuracy? Let's delve into the fascinating world of weather prediction and uncover the science behind it. Read more Read more


profleaddev @ Habr 1 place · 03/14/2024 09:59 EDT

How to Learn Python FREE in 8-Week: The 80/20 Learning Plan

I know it can be hard to learn a new programming language. In this article, I want to share my plan with you. It's a way to learn Python in eight weeks using videos, articles, and practice exercises. Exercises are very important because I think the best way to learn is by doing them.I've created this learning plan for people who don't have much free time. You only need about... Read more


madyouth (МойОфис) @ Habr 2 place · 03/14/2024 06:53 EDT

Как мы создаём редакторы документов. Ядро и его роль в кроссплатформенной разработке

В МойОфис мы создаем ПО для корпоративного пользования, и одни из ключевых продуктов нашей линейки — редакторы документов «МойОфис Текст» и «МойОфис Таблица». Эти приложения представлены на всех популярных платформах, включая мобильные устройства. Они позволяют создавать, изменять, просматривать текстовые и табличные документы различных форматов, а также совместно работать над ними в веб-версии редакторов.Сегодня мы расскажем об общем технологическом устройстве редакторов МойОфис, с акцентом на их центральн Read more


Eyssant @ Habr 3 place · 03/14/2024 04:46 EDT

Unveiling the Power of Data Science with Python

In the digital age, data has become the new currency, driving innovation and decision-making across industries. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing business processes, the applications of data science are boundless. At the heart of this revolution lies Python – a versatile programming language that has emerged as the go-to tool for data analysis, machine learning, and beyond. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating world of data science... Read more


Seorazer @ Habr 1 place · 03/11/2024 03:31 EDT

Complexity in Software Engineering

This text is a compilation of author’s experience, written to provide new juniour/middle teammates the basis to start developing computational intensive or/and ML based systems. It will take you about 5-10 minutes for reading. Read more Read more


CodeDroidX @ Habr 2 place · 03/11/2024 01:51 EDT

Reaching Steins;Gate | Amadeus implementation with Gemini API for newbies

Disclamer Probably, you got here without google'ing, maybe from my profile or habr recommendations, so if you did, you must know that this article is my first experience in pure English technotext. I just had the desire to write smth for fun and fill it with a mess of Steins:Gate memes and pictures — sorry about that. But if you are a casual native reader, who found this page by... Read more


Batiskafo (Testograf) @ Habr 1 place · 03/08/2024 10:19 EDT

Сервис опросов

Опросы – это не просто инструмент сбора мнений; они являются мостом между компаниями и их аудиторией, позволяя не только узнать мнение клиентов, но и вовлечь их в процесс создания и улучшения продуктов и услуг.Сервис опросов Тестограф предоставляет широкие возможности для создания опросов, тестов и голосований, обладая функционалом, который позволяет не только собирать данные, но и анализировать их, делая выводы и принимая обоснованные решения на их основе.Эта статья будет интересна широкому... Read more


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29.06.2024 12:45
Last update: 12:41 EDT.
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