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16.09.2024 − 22.09.2024
dev_family @ Habr 1 place · 09/20/2024 05:27 EDT

React Native Splash Screen — support for different themes

Hi all! The dev.family team is in touch. In this article, we are sharing a short guide on how to install Splash Screen in a cross-platform app written in React Native with support for multiple themes.Splash screen is the first screen that users see before loading into the main application. This screen is perhaps the best way to make the name of your app, and in general, its entire name,... Read more


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VladGoryachev @ Habr 2 place · 05/28/2023 10:53 EDT

On Computational Nature of Reality

I explain experimental results of Bell’s Theorem by superdeterminism. I follow with insights into how such a universe may arise and be compatible with the subjective experience of free will. Read more Read more


Kallist @ Habr 2 place · 05/27/2023 12:12 EDT

[Translation] Technical Game Design. Configs, balance and content in the example of PC strategy

One of the common tasks that both beginners and experienced game designers face is describing a large amount of content to pass its parameters to the engine. This is not an easy task, given that it is very difficult to find materials on the technical aspects of game design. Well, let’s figure out how to transfer data to the engine. Read more Read more


princessafia @ Habr 1 place · 05/26/2023 12:08 EDT

Push notifications: why we need them, how to do them. How to write push notifications that won't piss you off

Push notifications are similar to promoters. You're peacefully walking down the street, and suddenly promoters approach you, urging you to take their flyers. You take them, but you don't read them and throw them into the nearest trash can.The same goes for push notifications. You're reading an article, and suddenly a notification pops up with a promo code for free delivery of products. Then another one arrives, informing you about... Read more


vmihailenco @ Habr 1 place · 05/25/2023 04:43 EDT

Monitoring CPU/RAM/disk metrics with OpenTelemetry and Uptrace

OpenTeleletry Collector is an open source data collection pipeline that allows you to monitor CPU, RAM, disk, network metrics, and many more.Collector itself does not include built-in storage or analysis capabilities, but you can export the data to Uptrace and ClickHouse, using them as a replacement for Grafana and Prometheus.When compared to Prometheus, ClickHouse can offer small on-disk data size and better query performance when analyzing millions of timeseries. Read... Read more


prefrontalCortex @ Habr 2 place · 05/24/2023 10:10 EDT

[Translation] Использование высокодинамичного языка для разработки

Преимущества и навыки, полученные при использовании Common Lisp в разработке игрРазработка игр является увлекательной задачей. Игры требуют быстрого цикла разработки, высокой интерактивности и задают ограничения мягкого реального времени. Хотя в настоящее время небольшие игры разрабатываются на таких динамических языках, как Python или Lua, традиционно игровые движки пишутся на статических языках вроде C++ и C с каким-либо скриптовым языком поверх для обработки геймплейных механик. Common Lisp предоставляет Read more


princessafia @ Habr 3 place · 05/24/2023 07:21 EDT

Concept Art in Game Design: An Introduction to its Significance and Fundamental Principles

Let's talk about concept art, one of the main pillars in the digital art world. Concept art is the foundational and fundamental stage of any media industry project, where bold design choices are made and the best one is selected, shaping the overall style of the product. "Concept" refers to abstract ideas and fresh designs, while "art" entails the intentional use of imagination to create objects for immediate contemplation, which... Read more


urusoff @ Habr 1 place · 05/18/2023 11:27 EDT

Stand on two legs with code review

The problemUnfortunately, when fulfilling their planned business goals, the departments of the organisation rarely take into account such a metric as solution code quality. And usually developers has no time for normal code review process. Code review process experience? Read more


Hanna_lub @ Habr 1 place · 05/17/2023 18:06 EDT

The Power of Email Marketing: Engaging Customers for Business Growth

Email marketing has emerged as a vital tool for businesses to nurture customer relationships and drive growth. In this article, we will explore the immense potential of email marketing through personal experiences and examples from renowned companies. From personalization to segmentation, retargeting, and building anticipation, discover how these strategies can elevate your email campaigns and deliver remarkable results.The Art of Personalization in Email Marketing: Personalization is a key aspect of... Read more


aostrouhhov @ Habr 2 place · 05/17/2023 06:13 EDT

How Java works with fonts

Hello!In this article, I will try to briefly describe how Java Virtual Machine works with fonts. Once I needed to change the font used by the JVM and, surprisingly, found only pieces of legacy information about this. I spent a little time investigating the problem and now want to share this information with anybody who could find it useful. Feel free to leave any comments :) Read more Read more


katrinq @ Habr 1 place · 05/15/2023 14:38 EDT

Business Process Management Part 2. How to

This article is written in a how-to style. It is based on my personal experience and opinions, so it may omit some steps that are common in BPM practice but that I have not encountered in my work. The topic is broad, and each section deserves a separate article. Therefore, if you are interested in a specific topic, please comment, and I will prepare a more detailed description. Read more Read more


General_Failure @ Habr 2 place · 05/15/2023 11:01 EDT

SwiftUI ScrollView and non-freezing parallax

Hello everyone! My name is Nikolai, I'm iOS developer.I got the task where I should make scrollable content, with another one at the back. Both of them should scroll synchronously but backward should be slower - like background images in cartoons or videogames. Read more Read more


urusoff @ Habr 3 place · 05/15/2023 06:01 EDT

Run ForkJoinTask via custom ForkJoinPool in CompletableFuture sauce

In one of the tasks on the project, I had to wrap the ForkJoinTask collection in CompletableFuture for asynchronous execution and building data processing pipeline chains. Async ForkJoinTask? Read more


vityasemin1 @ Habr · 05/14/2023 14:52 EDT

How to Create Effective Product Funnels with Event Tracking

Regardless of how mature the product is, its owner will always be curious about how it performs, what the conversion rates are, and what areas for improvement there are. One of the most important tools that product owners should get access to at some point in time is an event tracking system. Read more Read more


vda19999 @ Habr 1 place · 05/09/2023 13:05 EDT

[Translation] Exploring a possible implementation of non-blocking IO by writing a server on pure syscalls

How do people usually write a server if they don't really care about performance? A program starts, then starts accepting incoming connections from clients and starts a new thread for each client, which is engaged in servicing this client. If you use framework, like Spring or Flask or Poco there, then it does something like this inside itself - the only difference is the threads can be reused, that is,... Read more


vityasemin1 @ Habr 1 place · 05/07/2023 11:18 EDT

Setting Up an Experiment Environment for Data-Driven Product Development

As a product owner, it is common to face the question of whether to proceed with option A or option B. Or, which version of the screen should be implemented to achieve better results? Making such decisions can be challenging, especially when you are under tight deadlines with limited resources. Furthermore, such decisions are made based on personal judgment or copying the approach of a competitor, which can lead to... Read more


ENCRY @ Habr 2 place · 05/07/2023 05:24 EDT

Instant Digital Signature Mode

In this note, we discuss the Instant Digital Signature (IDS) mode, which was announced earlier. While the main content of the IDS mode was already disclosed in a previous publication, we believe that additional specifications will improve understanding. Read more Read more


greck @ Habr 1 place · 05/03/2023 05:08 EDT

[Translation] Machine Learning for price optimization

The article was prepared for the Aha'22 conference and propose framework for market price optimisation problem. I have recently been working on it in Yandex Market, so here I tried to point out a number of things that seems important for me in the context of this problem. Previously, I was engaged in tasks related to Machine Learning (ML) in advertising technologies, and a year ago the topic of pricing... Read more


Badianov @ Habr 2 place · 05/02/2023 18:39 EDT

TRIZ: The Problem-Solving Methodology for Product Managers

BackgroundAs a product manager with over a decade of experience, I'm always looking for new ways to enhance my skills and help other product managers advance in their careers. One area that many companies focus on during the job interview process is analytical and creative problem-solving. And as product managers, we encounter these types of challenges on a daily basis. It's important to stay sharp and continuously develop our problem-solving... Read more


abetkin @ Habr 1 place · 04/30/2023 17:40 EDT

Erlang больше не в моде. berry-lang — новый язык для BEAM со статической типизацией

Привет! Сегодня хочу поделиться идеей нового языка на смену Erlang - читатели хабра всё должны узнавать из первых рук! Это язык для платформы BEAM, предположительно - транслируемый в Erlang source-to-source. Семантически, он максимально совместим с эрлангом, на уровне библиотек - тоже.Berry-lang поддерживает статическую типизацию (опционально), однако типы в нём - не главное. Главное - это приятный синтаксис, о чём свидетельствует его ягодное название. Кстати, о названии: помимо того, что оно... Read more


katrinq @ Habr 1 place · 04/28/2023 08:19 EDT

Business process management. Part 1. Why bother?

This is the first post in a series on Business Process Management (BPM). Having worked as a business analyst and product manager in various companies ranging from middle-sized startups to big corporations, I have observed differences in approaches to business process management - from almost complete disregard to excessive attention. So, I decided to share my views on the topic, why I think BPM is important, especially when a company... Read more


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28.09.2024 13:26
Last update: 13:21 EDT.
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