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690 Exploring X and Twitter as super-app catalysts with western characteristics

Hackernoon @ 150sec 1 place · 08/17/2023 16:10 EDT

Exploring X and Twitter as super-app catalysts with western characteristics

If you haven’t been living under a rock (or been on this platform at all), you may (read: will) be aware of the following events: Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44bn. He then renamed it X, a throwback to the X.com domain he has owned since the 90’s and the precursor to PayPal Now that ...

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News from the same source
150sec 150sec
Ian Millhiser @ Vox 1 place · today 14:06 EDT

The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treat

On a 6-3 party-line vote, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that state officials may accept “gratuities” from people who wish to reward them for their official actions, despite a federal anti-corruption statute that appears to ban such rewards. Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote the opinion in Snyder v. United States for the Court’s Republican-appointed majority. […] Read more

1,905 fresh

26.06.2024 ♌︎ Today, Lviv places work in the first place. You are in for a very productive... Read more ›
Ars Technica
Jon Brodkin @ Ars Technica 1 place · today 13:03 EDT

Tesla announces third and fourth Cybertruck recalls

Wiper motor may stop working and cosmetic applique may detach while driving. Read more

1,712 fresh

Business Insider
Tom Carter @ Business Insider 1 place · today 06:38 EDT

Elon Musk is beefing with Boeing again, calling out its CEO and saying he should be able to 'design aircraft, not spreadsheets'

The SpaceX founder attacked Boeing CEO David Calhoun, accusing the aircraft company of losing touch with its engineering roots in a post on X. Read more


Matt Wales @ Eurogamer.net 1 place · today 15:26 EDT

Here's what Xbox's ill-fated cloud gaming console might have looked like, according to newly surfaced patent

Remember Microsoft's Xbox cloud gaming device, codenamed Keystone? The one that got announced in 2021, was cancelled in its original form a year later, then showed up on Phil Spencer's shelf after that, bamboozling everyone? Well if you've ever wondered what it could have looked like in more detail, a newly surfaced patent might have some answers. The patent in question was originally filed with the US Patent and Trademark... Read more

1,199 fresh

Matt Wales @ Eurogamer.net 2 place · today 12:31 EDT

Capcom's slapstick zombie mall adventure Dead Rising is being remastered

Capcom's slapstick zombie series Dead Rising is being reanimated, with a Deluxe Remaster version of the 2006 original launching for unspecified platforms at an unspecified release date. Created created by Keiji Inafune of Mega Man fame, Dead Rising's first outing took the basic premise of George A. Romero's horror movie classic Dawn of the Dead - which is to say, zombies in a mall - and gave it a fresh... Read more

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Justin Carter @ Gizmodo 1 place · today 14:30 EDT

These Transformers Sequels Are... Man, They're a Lot

The live-action Transformers movies aren’t really what you’d “beloved.” Despite making a lot of money, most of them aren’t especially well-regarded critically, and fans of the original property don’t exactly take to them well. They occupy a weird space in Hollywood wherein those initial five movies actively didn’t…Read more... Read more

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msmash @ Slashdot 1 place · today 16:10 EDT

US Mayors Urge Congress To Ditch Broadband Expansion Bill

The US Conference of Mayors, which speaks for the administrations of more than 1,400 cities with a population of at least 30,000 people, adopted a resolution over the weekend at its annual meeting that voiced an objection to HR 3557, a draft law known as the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023. From a report: The bill, which was introduced by House Rep Earl Carter (R-GA) last May and is... Read more

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The Verge
Jay Peters @ The Verge 1 place · today 15:16 EDT

Steam’s new native gameplay recording tool also works on the Steam Deck

Image: The Verge Valve is adding a native gameplay recording tool to Steam so that you can more easily capture and share clips. The game recording feature is available now in beta — including on Steam Deck. You’ll be able to both continuously record clips with background recording or manually turn on recording with a hotkey, according to Valve’s website about the updates. When you’re recording, you’ll see the “Steam... Read more

711 fresh

Ian Millhiser @ Vox 2 place · today 12:55 EDT

The Supreme Court hands an embarrassing defeat to America’s Trumpiest court

The Supreme Court handed down a stern rebuke to some of the most right-wing judges in the country on Wednesday, holding that no, judges do not get to micromanage how the Biden administration speaks to social media companies. The vote in Murthy v. Missouri was 6-3, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Brett Kavanaugh […] Read more

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Gordon Jackson @ Gizmodo 2 place · today 10:50 EDT

The Acolyte's Leslye Headland Talks Keeping Her Big Villain Reveal Solvable

In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Leslye Headland discussed her process conceiving this week’s shockingly violent episode of The Acolyte: “I think a good twist is telegraphing what’s going to happen, and then once it does, executing it without an ounce of pity or sentimentality.”Read more... Read more

555 fresh

The Verge
Jay Peters @ The Verge 2 place · today 13:00 EDT

An AI version of Al Michaels will deliver Olympic recaps on Peacock

Photo by Cooper Neill / Getty Images Legendary sportscaster Al Michaels is going to give daily, personalized recaps of the Paris Olympics on Peacock — well, an AI-generated Al Michaels voice will. In practice, the effect is a lot like hearing a sports announcer’s voice in a video game like Madden, except it’s spitting out lines about real-life sports, which, in this case, means custom Olympics coverage. Here’s how it... Read more

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Business Insider
Chris Panella @ Business Insider 3 place · today 15:23 EDT

US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead

The show of force comes amid continued tensions with Russia and follows the recent visit of a Russian navy flotilla to Cuba. Read more

524 fresh

Business Insider
John L. Dorman @ Business Insider · today 11:57 EDT

Biden wants to paint Trump as a threat to democracy. But new swing-state polling shows voters think otherwise.

Trump has an 11-point edge over Biden among swing-state registered voters on who they trust more to defend democracy in the US. Read more

474 fresh

Business Insider
Samantha Grindell @ Business Insider · today 12:42 EDT

Forget Prince William's dancing — Jason Kelce says Princess Charlotte was the highlight of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour

The royal family impressed Jason and Travis Kelce at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, as the brothers shared on their "New Heights" podcast. Read more

471 fresh

Germain Lussier @ Gizmodo 3 place · today 13:45 EDT

Kevin Feige Confirms a Popular Fantastic Four Theory

The Fantastic Four, Marvel’s most iconic superhero team, is finally coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and with them come a bunch of questions. Questions like “Where the hell have they been for the last two decades as heroes like Iron Man and Black Widow dealt with Thanos and others?” Read more... Read more

466 fresh

Business Insider
Brent D. Griffiths @ Business Insider · today 13:46 EDT

A SCOTUS opinion allowing emergency abortions in Idaho was posted on the court's website and then quickly removed

A spokesperson for the Supreme Court confirmed that something had been inadvertently posted online, but that final decision has not yet been released. Read more

444 fresh

James Whitbrook @ Gizmodo · today 12:15 EDT

On The Acolyte, Sith Has Really Hit the Fan

There’s a lot of violence in Star Wars. But a lot of Star Wars’ violence, and its approach to it, is rooted in the abstract—whole planets gone in the blink of an eye, grand battles in space and on the ground; even on smaller scales, its duels are less about the act of violence, and more chivalrous dances. But rarely…Read more... Read more

416 fresh

Business Insider
Tom Carter @ Business Insider · today 05:10 EDT

No need to polish your Cybertruck — you can now buy one that comes with a mirror-like sheen for $150,000

Experts previously told Business Insider that while it's probably not illegal to polish a Cybertruck to a mirror finish, it's also not a great idea. Read more


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26.06.2024 16:49
Last update: 16:41 EDT.
News rating updated: 23:41.

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