
News from Habr

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23.09.2024 − 29.09.2024
profleaddev @ Habr 1 place · 09/23/2024 08:08 EDT

Replit 101: Learn to Use Replit Agent and Deploy Your First App

Did you know that coding tools have evolved so rapidly that they're now shaping the future of programming itself? As technology advances, platforms like Replit are leading the charge, making coding more accessible and collaborative than ever before. In this article, I'll show you what Replit is and how to use it. Read more Read more


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Kate_Milovidova @ Habr · 10/13/2020 02:56 EDT

Organizing Content on Our Blog with Tags

As you know, we regularly post new content on programming and various interesting events from our company's life on our blog. The range of topics is expanding, and the number of articles is growing, so at some point, we started to attach tags to our posts so that you could quickly find content on topics you're interested in. Just click the appropriate tag and – presto! – a sorted list... Read more


Andrey2008 @ Habr · 10/12/2020 09:26 EDT

Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers

Static analysis tools have advanced far over the time they've been around. They no longer resemble the "linters" that were in active use 20 years ago. But some programmers still view them as extremely primitive tools. And that's very sad. It hurts to see the static analysis methodology in general and our PVS-Studio analyzer in particular treated that way.Read more → Read more


Buglance @ Habr · 10/12/2020 07:08 EDT

Fatal Fight: How we've got 5 million organic installs?

The story of Fatal Fight started in 2015. The time when going global and having 5 million downloads on Google Play Store seemed to be a dream of every game developer. In this article, I will talk about the way we converted the dream into our actual reality. To make it super understandable, find a guide below where I will cover all the stages of development of Fatal Fight and... Read more


FizpokPak @ Habr · 10/11/2020 11:01 EDT

Brainless Platform for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

More on SnowCron.com First of all, this is just an exercise, useful as is, but the result is going to be far from an industrial level robots. Why doing it then? For the same reasons we do all exercise: to get an experience. After all, when we write a character recognition «MNIST classifier» neural network, we know that the problem is solved long time ago. But we need to become... Read more


dmitrykabanov @ Habr · 10/11/2020 02:16 EDT

PopMech and its ancestors: a foray into the history of tech

Many of us grew up reading a classic, that was a staple of many home libraries. However, it doesn’t seem to be as prominent as it once was. To understand the ongoing shift in tech coverage, we need to explore its roots. Continue Reading Read more


Tr0sT @ Habr · 10/09/2020 16:51 EDT

[Translation] Database using ScriptableObjects with save/load system

IntroductionEach game has data that game-designers work with. In RPG there is a database of items, in match-3 — the cost in the crystals of tools from the store, in action — hit points, for which medical kit heals. There are many ways to store such data — someone stores it in tables, in XML or JSON files that edit with their own tools. Unity provides its own way —... Read more


Audioman @ Habr · 10/09/2020 15:07 EDT

Еще подробнее: внутриканальные и арматурные наушники разных категорий — обзоры и гайды

Сегодня мы решили взглянуть на несколько популярных моделей «затычек» и подняли избранные руководства по теме, плюс — несколько детальных разборов с большим количеством фотографий. Читать далее Read more


olegchir @ Habr · 10/09/2020 09:55 EDT

Big Data Tools Update 11 Is Out

EAP 11 of the Big Data Tools plugin for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PyCharm, and DataGrip is available starting today. You can install it from the JetBrains Plugin Repository or inside your IDE.Big Data Tools is a new JetBrains plugin that allows you to connect to Hadoop and Spark clusters and monitor nodes, applications, and jobs. It also brings support for editing and running Zeppelin notebooks inside IntelliJ IDEA and DataGrip,... Read more


ultral @ Habr · 10/09/2020 05:11 EDT

Agreements as Code: how to refactor IaC and save your sanity?

Before we start, I'd like to be on the same page with you. So, could you please answer? How much time will it take to:Create a new environment for testing? Update java & OS in the docker image? Grant access to servers? There is the spoiler from the TechLeadConf. Unfortunately, it's in Russian It will take longer than you expect. I will explain why. Read more → Read more


quaer @ Habr · 10/08/2020 09:18 EDT

Compensation for Error Caused by Limited Gain-Bandwidth of Operational Amplifiers in Low-pass Filters

An operational amplifier has the internal compensation circuit for stability which limits its working bandwidth. Frequency response of the compensated Op Amp has slope of −6 dB/octave or −20 dB/decade. Unity gain frequency defines the bandwidth where the Op Amp is able to amplify a signal. If we multiply the gain and frequency at any point, the result is the same, allowing us to use this parameter to select the... Read more


RTteam @ Habr · 10/08/2020 07:55 EDT

Свободы и ограничения дизайн-систем

Привет! Мы команда дизайнеров и разработчиков, создающих цифровую дизайн-систему Ростелекома. Зачем? В большом энтерпрайзе множество продуктов и проектов, и у каждого из них есть потребности, которые может закрыть дизайн-система.Когда вы начинаете строить такую систему, вам кажется, что первое, что стоит сделать — это спроектировать все нужные компоненты. Вы проводите исследование, аудит текущих проектов и понимаете, что вот этот список компонентов вам и нужен, то есть решаете текущие задачи и немного... Read more


basiliscos @ Habr · 10/08/2020 07:31 EDT

[From sandbox] What's new in rotor v0.09

rotor is a non-intrusive event loop friendly C++ actor micro framework, similar to its elder brothers like caf and sobjectizer. The new release came out under the flag of pluginization, which affects the entire lifetime of an actor. Read more → Read more


Sneha-321 @ Habr · 10/08/2020 06:22 EDT

How Is Flutter Helping Businesses In Getting Feature-Packed App At Affordable Prices

With 2.7 million apps available in Google Play Store and 1.84 Million apps in Apple’s app store, it is clear that mobile app development has become an urgent need of the hour for businesses of all domains.Did you know! According to developer stats, it is predicted that there will be 7 billion million users by 2021 all across the globe.Read more → Read more


olegchir @ Habr · 10/06/2020 07:42 EDT

ZTools for Apache Zeppelin

Zeppelin is a web-based notebook for data engineers that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics with Spark, Scala, and more. The project recently reached version 0.9.0-preview2 and is being actively developed, but there are still many things to be implemented.One such thing is an API for getting comprehensive information about what's going on inside the notebook. There is already an API that completely solves the problems of high-level notebook management, but... Read more


IchNikola @ Habr · 10/06/2020 04:59 EDT

Nullable Reference will not protect you, and here is the proof

Have you ever wanted to get rid of the problem with dereferencing null references? If so, using Nullable Reference types is not your choice. Do you want to know why? This will be our topic today.Read more → Read more


Wendigoo @ Habr · 10/05/2020 03:38 EDT

Mysql 8.x Group Replication (Master-Slave) with Docker Compose

This post is handling the following situation - how to setup up simple Mysql services with group replication being dockerized. In our case, we’ll take the latest Mysql (version 8.x.x)FYI: all mentioned code (worked and tested manually) located here https://github.com/Wendigooor/mysql_group_replicationI will skip not interested steps like ‘what is Mysql, Docker and why we choose them, etc’. We want to set up possibly trouble proof DB. That’s our plan. Read more... Read more


32bit_me @ Habr · 10/04/2020 13:26 EDT

Using Flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator)

Lexical analysis is the first stage of a compilation process. It's used for getting a token sequence from source code. It gets an input character sequence and finds out what the token is in the start position, whether it's a language keyword, an identifier, a constant (also called a literal), or, maybe, some error. A lexical analyzer (also known as tokenizer) sends a stream of tokens further, into a parser,... Read more


Best-sda @ Habr · 10/02/2020 07:46 EDT

Checking WildFly, a JavaEE Application Server

WildFly (formerly known as JBoss Application Server) is an open-source JavaEE application server developed and first released by JBoss in February, 2008. The primary goal of the project is to provide a set of tools usually required for enterprise Java applications. And since the server is used for developing enterprise applications, it is especially important to minimize the number of bugs and potential vulnerabilities in its code. Today, WildFly is... Read more


revusky @ Habr · 10/01/2020 11:37 EDT

[From sandbox] JavaCC 21 Parser Generator

JavaCC 21 is a continuation of work on the venerable JavaCC parser generator, originally developed at Sun Microsystems in the 1990’s and released under a liberal open source license in 2003. It is currently the most advanced version of JavaCC. It has many feature enhancements (with more to come soon) and also generates much more modern, readable Java code. Also, certain key bugs have finally been fixed. (N.B. The “21”... Read more


EuGeniec @ Habr · 10/01/2020 10:46 EDT

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) by source-level weaving

Aspect-oriented programming is a very appealing concept for simplifying your codebase, creating clean code, and minimizing copy-paste errors. Today, in most cases, aspects are implemented at the bytecode level, i.e. after compilation, a certain tool «weave» an additional byte code with the support of the required logic. Our approach (as well as the approach of some other tools) is modifying the source code to implement aspect logic. With introduction of... Read more


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30.09.2024 15:26
Last update: 15:20 EDT.
News rating updated: 22:20.

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