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top3dshopinc (Top 3D Shop) @ Habr · 02/05/2024 09:20 EDT

Intamsys Funmat Pro 410 3D Printer: Revolutionizing High-Temperature 3D Printing

In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, the Intamsys Funmat Pro 410 stands out as a beacon of innovation, especially in the realm of high-temperature 3D printing. This powerhouse is designed to meet the demanding needs of professionals across various industries, from aerospace to automotive, offering unparalleled versatility and precision. Let's delve into what makes the Funmat Pro 410 a must-have for any serious 3D printing enthusiast or professional.... Read more


top3dshopinc (Top 3D Shop) @ Habr 3 place · 02/05/2024 07:20 EDT

Raise3D 3D Printers Overview

Raise3D printers have carved a niche in the 3D printing world, known for their reliability, high-quality output, and versatility across various industries. From startups to educational institutions, these printers offer a range of features designed to cater to the diverse needs of its users. Let’s dive into what makes Raise3D stand out in the crowded 3D printing market. Read more Read more


top3dshopinc (Top 3D Shop) @ Habr · 02/05/2024 07:06 EDT

FlashForge Guider 2s 3D Printer: A Comprehensive Guide

The FlashForge Guider 2s is the latest addition to the world of 3D printing, offering an impressive blend of high-quality printing capabilities, robust build, and user-friendly features. Designed for both hobbyists and professionals alike, this 3D printer aims to streamline the creative process, making it easier to bring complex designs to life. Read more Read more


flancer @ Habr 1 place · 02/04/2024 07:00 EDT

Web 3.0 и частные данные

Эта публикация является развитием идей, сформулированных в предыдущей статье - "Идентификация пользователей в Web 3.0". После предыдущей публикации я понял, что в массах нет однозначного определения, что же именно называть Web 3.0 - виртуальную реальность, интернет вещей или децентрализацию на базе блокчейна. С моей точки зрения, Web 3.0 - это архитектура веб-приложений, обусловленная спросом пользователей на конфиденциальность их собственных данных. Развитие идей Web 2.0 привело к тому, что пользователи са Read more


YuriPanchul @ Habr 1 place · 02/02/2024 17:35 EDT

Verilog Meetups @ Hacker Dojo: the status and the plans for February 2024

The first three meetups of the Portable SystemVerilog Examples group at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California were a kind of brainstorming sessions. We discussed the electronic industry, the essence of modern chip design, and the challenges to educate new design engineers. Now we are moving into a new mode of action. We are going to have weekly meetings of the core R&D team and monthly or bi-monthly events for... Read more


TechniXC (Росбанк) @ Habr 1 place · 01/31/2024 04:54 EDT

Spring Cloud Gateway: The Single Point of Entry or Failure – a Path to Non-Blocking API Gateway

Hello Habr! My name is Nikita Letov. I am a tech lead of backend development in remote banking services for individuals (or retail department) of Rosbank. In this article I will describe what a point of entry to an app is, when it becomes vital, and how API Gateway can help you. We'll review a traditional blocking pattern based on Netflix Zuul 1.x gateway with all its problems of using,... Read more


toriniys (Конференции Олега Бунина (Онтико), X5 Tech) @ Habr 2 place · 01/31/2024 04:00 EDT

Как мы управляем инфраструктурой на более 1000 серверов при помощи Ansible

Привет, Хабр! Мы системные инженеры X5 Tech — Алексей Кузнецов и Борис Мурашин. У нас за плечами больше 15 лет опыта, в том числе поддержка сервисов Rapida, CyberPlat, TeleTrade, сопровождение стека BigData и внедрение кластеров Hadoop. В этой статье мы расскажем, как выбирали систему управления конфигурациями, какими критериями руководствовались, что в итоге выбрали, с какими проблемами столкнулись и как их решали.Рассматривать вопрос, зачем вообще нужна система управления конфигурацией, не будем.... Read more


konstantin_tyurin @ Habr 1 place · 01/25/2024 09:12 EDT

Как мы внедряли каталог данных DataHub и искали компромисс между BI, DWH и ИБ

Счастлив тот аналитик, у которого в компании есть дата-каталог — единая точка входа для поиска информации о данных невероятно экономит время, data lineage выстроен, а уровень заполненности документации на высоком уровне. Чтобы это были не только мечты, наша команда аналитиков задумалась, как претворить их в реальность. Нам хотелось, чтобы инструмент для поиска описания данных был удобным как библиотечный каталог с широким функционалом. Меня зовут Костя Тюрин, я руковожу командой BI... Read more


PatientZero @ Habr 2 place · 01/25/2024 02:44 EDT

[Translation] Старая ошибка Unix, которую вы можете совершить при сигнале init (PID 1)

Init — традиционное имя для программы, которая выполняется как process ID 1, главный наследник всех процессов Unix, исторически отвечающий за управление системой. Process ID 1 настолько критичен для системы, что его или невозможно убить, или система перезапускается при выходе из него (или и то, и другое, тогда этот перезапуск — хак). Сегодня в Linux PID 1 необязательно оказывается двоичным файлом и процессом с именем init в буквальном смысле, в отличие... Read more


YuriPanchul @ Habr 1 place · 01/24/2024 13:00 EDT

Portable SystemVerilog Examples for ASIC and FPGA: the results of the meetup on 2024-01-21 and the next steps

The second meetup of the Portable SystemVerilog Examples group on January 21 2024 at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California, went as planned: we moved from the stage of presenting the project to the self-introductions of the participants and the initial tutorial with the first examples. We also started distributing the tasks. The next meetup is tentatively scheduled for January 28 at the same location, from 2 pm to 5... Read more


Habr 1 place · 01/22/2024 03:25 EDT

Implementing hypervisor-level behavioral analysis in Linux

Hey there, Habr! My name is Alexey Kolesnikov. I am a Malware Detection Specialist at the Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (PT ESC). I recently spoke at the AVAR 2023 international conference in Dubai, where I covered new plugins developed by PT ESC for an open-source dynamic malware analysis system named DRAKVUF and demonstrated how they can be used to detect current Linux threats in sandbox for protection against targeted... Read more


Habr 1 place · 01/17/2024 13:29 EDT

How Closures Work and Why It Matters

They might sound complicated, but they are actually a fundamental part of the language. In this article, we’ll explore closures in a straightforward and practical way. Let’s clear up common misunderstandings. Walk through real-world examples. Nail those tricky interview questions about closures. By the end, you’ll see closures not as a hurdle, but as a valuable part of your JavaScript toolkit. Continue Closure Journey Read more


Habr 2 place · 01/16/2024 14:42 EDT

Evaluating Performance: CosmosDB vs. Azure SQL

In the evolving landscape of database technology, choosing the right database management system is crucial for the efficiency and scalability of applications. This article presents a detailed comparison of the performance between Microsoft's CosmosDB and MS SQL Server. We'll examine how each database performs under various load conditions and share some interesting findings. Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 01/16/2024 11:44 EDT

The next steps after a good meetup on Portable SystemVerilog Examples for ASIC and FPGA

The meetup on January 14 at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California, went well, although not as planned - we spent almost all the time talking instead of doing hands-on exercises. The room we booked can fit 30 people and approximately 30 people did show up. The quality of participants was high: approximately half were familiar with hardware description languages and another half came from various software topics. 12 people... Read more


Habr 3 place · 01/15/2024 22:29 EDT

[Translation] PostgreSQL 17: Part 3 or Commitfest 2023-11

The November commitfest is ripe with new interesting features! Without further ado, let's proceed with the review.If you missed our July and September commitfest reviews, you can check them out here: 2023-07, 2023-09.ON LOGIN triggerEvent triggers for REINDEXALTER OPERATOR: commutator, negator, hashes, mergespg_dump --filter=dump.txtpsql: displaying default privilegespg_stat_statements: track statement entry timestamps and reset min/max statisticspg_stat_checkpointer: checkpointer process statisticspg_stats Read more


Habr 2 place · 01/14/2024 23:52 EDT

Import chat history to Telegram (приглашение)

I'm seeking anyone who is skilled enough to develop a simple Python script using TDLib, Telegram API, and JSON manipulation to make it possible to perform simple tasks listed below: 1. Import Telegram chat JSON backup back to Telegram similar to what these scripts are doing github.com/alexlyzhov/telegram-importgithub.com/Suberbia/UltimateChatRestorergithub.com/mygrexit/UltimateChatRestorerForGroupchats but for any chat (not only to «saved messages») including group chats (not only 1 to 1 chats) and improv Read more


Habr 2 place · 01/14/2024 08:26 EDT

Flashforge Creator 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Elevating Your 3D Printing Experience

The Flashforge Creator 3 is a hallmark of innovation in the bustling world of 3D printing. This versatile printer is known for its dual extruder system, precision, and user-friendly interface, catering to the needs of both enthusiasts and professionals. Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 01/12/2024 16:00 EDT

React Global State Management: A Brief History and a Quick Guide

If you’re a React developer, you know how important state management is. State is the data that powers your UI, making it interactive and dynamic. But managing state in React can be tricky, especially when you have to share it across multiple components or deal with complex and asynchronous logic.That’s why over the years, React developers have come up with various solutions for state management, each with its own advantages... Read more


Habr 2 place · 01/12/2024 15:40 EDT

The breakthrough concept around new rocket engine based on hybrid of chemical and electric technology and plasma physics

 Gleb Kulev, Candidate of Technical SciencesThe rapid exploration of outer space has faced a problem related to the insufficient efficiency of modern rocket engines. As a solution to this problem, the concept of a jet engine based on new operating principles is proposed, using a combination of known physical laws and having advantages over known types of jet engines.The article presents the results of testing three modifications of jet... Read more


Habr 3 place · 01/12/2024 08:03 EDT

Unveiling the Flashforge Creator 3 Pro 3D Printer: A Detailed Review

The Flashforge Creator 3 Pro is a sophisticated 3D printer that has made waves in the desktop 3D printing market. It blends the boundary between professional and personal use, offering features usually found in industrial-grade printers. This machine is tailored for users who require precision, versatility, and the ability to work with advanced materials. Read more Read more


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01.07.2024 15:42
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