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23.09.2024 − 29.09.2024
profleaddev @ Habr 1 place · 09/23/2024 08:08 EDT

Replit 101: Learn to Use Replit Agent and Deploy Your First App

Did you know that coding tools have evolved so rapidly that they're now shaping the future of programming itself? As technology advances, platforms like Replit are leading the charge, making coding more accessible and collaborative than ever before. In this article, I'll show you what Replit is and how to use it. Read more Read more


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Boozlachu @ Habr 2 place · 02/24/2021 01:28 EDT

Creating and using your own deb repository (not mirroring)

Tested on the following configuration:Server: ubuntu 20.04Clients: ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04It doesn’t require a lot of software to create it. Читать далее Read more


programmersio @ Habr 3 place · 02/23/2021 11:03 EDT

.Net Development Platform Features

Here are top 8 things you should know about .Net Development before you hire expert .Net developers for your project.Novices and entrepreneurs should realize that from a straightforward design, .Net system has advanced to a total environment offering help and improvement procedures for a wide range of users novices and entrepreneurs should realize that from a straightforward design, .Net system has advanced to a total environment offering help and improvement... Read more


tnt4brain @ Habr 1 place · 02/22/2021 08:42 EDT

[Translation] Improving Ansible

Let's once again improve Ansible. Well, this won't work without getting into sources. Take the action Read more


aydu @ Habr 2 place · 02/22/2021 03:58 EDT

Algorithms in Go: Matrix Spiral

Most solutions to algorithmic problems can be grouped into a rather small number of patterns. When we start to solve some problem, we need to think about how we would classify them. For example, can we apply fast and slowalgorithmic pattern or do we need to use cyclic sortpattern? Some of the problems have several solutions with different patterns. In this article of series Algorithms in Go we consider an... Read more


serenaryder @ Habr 1 place · 02/21/2021 08:53 EDT

Top 7 Technology Trends to Look out for in 2021

Technology is as adaptable and compatible as mankind; it finds its way through problems and situations. 2020 was one such package of uncertain events that forced businesses to adapt to digital transformation, even to an extent where many companies started to consider the remote work culture to be a beneficiary long-term model. Technological advancements like Hyper automation, AI Security, and Distributed cloud showed how any people-centric idea could rule the... Read more


vovaekb90 @ Habr 2 place · 02/20/2021 11:40 EDT

Хитрости работы с MeshLab: устранение ошибок в 3D моделях

Medium post (Filling holes in 3D mesh): https://vovaprivalov.medium.com/filling-holes-in-3d-mesh-using-meshlab-fea6849ab7a1Common problem with 3D meshes is incomplete surface with holes. That could be caused by imperfect reconstruction algorithm or low quality in depth sensor.We can easily repair surfaces of mesh in Meshlab program. Meshlab includes special filter for filling holes in 3D meshes.First open Meshlab. Then import mesh: File > Import Mesh.Here is an example of mesh with holes Читать далее Read more


aarefiev @ Habr 2 place · 02/20/2021 01:04 EDT

Единый UI-кит и синхронизация дизайна в Учи.ру. Часть 1

Пожалуй, все, кто имел дело с развитием семейства сайтов, сталкивались с проблемой поддержания единого вида компонентов. Когда счет сервисов идет на десятки и сотни, когда над ними работает все больше независимых друг от друга команд, рассинхрон в дизайне и коде появляется обязательно. Мы попробовали справиться с этим с помощью единой базы компонентов. В серии постов я расскажу о нашем опыте разработки UI-кита, удобного как для разработчиков, так и для дизайнеров,... Read more


basiliscos @ Habr 1 place · 02/20/2021 00:28 EDT

Overview of recent changes in rotor (v0.10… v0.14)

rotor is a non-intrusive event loop friendly C++ actor micro framework with hierarchical supervising, similar to its elder brothers like caf and sobjectizer. There is a bulk of important changes since the last release announcement v0.09 Read more → Read more


anton-malakhov @ Habr 1 place · 02/18/2021 11:31 EDT

OOX 2.0: Out of Order eXecution made easy

As Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is being refreshed using new C++ standard, deprecating tbb::task interface, the need for high-level tasking interface becomes more obvious. In this article, I’m proposing yet another way of defining what a high-level parallel task programming model can look like in modern C++. I created it in 2014 and it was my last contribution to TBB project as its core developer after 9 wonderful years... Read more


AlfaTeam @ Habr 2 place · 02/18/2021 10:00 EDT

Agile не только в офисе

Привет! В среду, 24 февраля, мы проведем онлайн-митап для интересующихся практиками Agile.Митап бесплатный, главное — зарегистрироваться заранее по ссылке. Всё действо займет пару часов (с 19.00 до 21.00).Если вдруг захотите посмотреть, но по каким-то причинам не получится, то мы пришлем вам запись на почту, указанную при регистрации.В программе 3 доклада от наших спикеров.Программа митапа Читать далее Read more


Andrey2008 @ Habr 3 place · 02/18/2021 09:35 EDT

Why PVS-Studio Uses Data Flow Analysis: Based on Gripping Error in Open Asset Import Library

An essential part of any modern static code analyzer is data flow analysis. However, from an outside perspective, the use of data flow analysis and its benefit is unclear. Some people still consider static analysis a tool searching for something in code according to a certain pattern. Thus, we occasionally write blog posts to show how this or that technology, used in the PVS-Studio analyzer, helps to identify another interesting... Read more


Rapasantra @ Habr · 02/18/2021 08:45 EDT

Как сделать не стареющее тело? Общий принцип

Что есть общего между человеком и снежинкой? И человек и снежинка могут расти и, причём основной – базовый принцип создания тела снежинки и тела человека одинаковый. В математике и в информатике этот принцип известен под названием клеточные автоматы. Принцип заключается в том, что есть некоторые простые правила добавления или уничтожения элементов конструкции тела. Мы можем задать эти простые правила, задать эти начальные условия развития системы и далее остаётся только наблюдать,... Read more


Andrey2008 @ Habr 1 place · 02/16/2021 13:02 EDT

Date Processing Attracts Bugs or 77 Defects in Qt 6

The recent Qt 6 release compelled us to recheck the framework with PVS-Studio. In this article, we reviewed various interesting errors we found, for example, those related to processing dates. The errors we discovered prove that developers can greatly benefit from regularly checking their projects with tools like PVS-Studio. Read more → Read more


quaer @ Habr 2 place · 02/16/2021 08:22 EDT

Third Order Low-pass Filter with One Op Amp

Common approach to build a third order low-pass filter is to use two circuit stages and two Op Amps. Making good One Op Amp design is not always easy, but it is possible.Read more → Read more


Alikberov @ Habr 2 place · 02/14/2021 14:34 EDT

Koyaanisqtsi: The WYSIWYG-style byte-code CPU

SVG-File (actual draft)LyricsAncient times are known to everyone not with immortal works from Homer's only, but also with the Pythagorean multiplication table, Euclidean geometry and the Archimedes screw and the Pi, which we learned to use only relatively recently. In antiquity the art was not only to be able to write poetry and prose, but to design catapults or battering tools also, now there are rigid frameworks, when the discovering... Read more


foto_shooter @ Habr 1 place · 02/12/2021 14:22 EDT

Should We Initialize an Out Parameter Before Returning It from a Method?

Surely every C# developer has used out-parameters. It seems that everything is extremely simple and clear with them. But is it really so? For a kickoff, let's start with a self-test task. Read more → Read more


eugeneovsyannikov @ Habr 1 place · 02/11/2021 02:40 EDT

Just for Fun: PVS-Studio Team Came Up With Monitoring Quality of Some Open Source Projects

Static code analysis is a crucial component of all modern projects. Its proper application is even more important. We decided to set up a regular check of some open source projects to see the effect of the analyzer's frequent running. We use the PVS-Studio analyzer to check projects. As for viewing the outcome, the choice fell on SonarQube. As a result, our subscribers will learn about new interesting bugs in... Read more


siyacarla @ Habr 2 place · 02/10/2021 07:38 EDT

How CRM Data Analytics Help Increase Service Efficiency

Data is no longer a buzzword in the service industry. Acknowledging the value of customer data, service providers are happy to have tools like CRM software suites that are capturing detailed customer information across various touchpoints. But are businesses putting these data to good use? Forrester reports state that around 73 percent of data within a company or enterprise goes unused for analytics. Can businesses afford to do that? Can... Read more


Bee_brightside @ Habr 3 place · 02/10/2021 05:14 EDT

Как сделать опрос потребителей максимально полезным

Перед открытием нового бизнеса, смены логотипа, расширением ассортимента или запуском рекламной кампании хорошо бы заранее знать главное — как воспримут ваши действия будущие покупатели? Будут ли новшества или активности иметь успех? Сработает ваша бизнес-модель, понравится ли пользователям новый логотип, или от него в восторге только дизайнеры? Принесет рекламная кампания пользу или проделает дыру в бюджете?Давайте же вспомним, чему нас учит маркетинг? Продавать нужно то, что будет непременно куплено. Мы п Read more


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30.09.2024 07:25
Last update: 07:20 EDT.
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