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16.09.2024 − 22.09.2024
dev_family @ Habr 1 place · 09/20/2024 05:27 EDT

React Native Splash Screen — support for different themes

Hi all! The dev.family team is in touch. In this article, we are sharing a short guide on how to install Splash Screen in a cross-platform app written in React Native with support for multiple themes.Splash screen is the first screen that users see before loading into the main application. This screen is perhaps the best way to make the name of your app, and in general, its entire name,... Read more


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iv-anastasiia @ Habr 2 place · 07/08/2021 01:30 EDT

Шаблон заведения бага

Встречали ли вы баги, где было недостаточно информации для понимания про что это? А тикеты, в которых было сложно найти нужную информацию, хотя где-то она все-таки есть? Кажется, команды сами усложняют себе работу не используя стандарт заведения тикетов-багов. И я решил поделиться шаблоном, который используем мы. Read more Read more


fpn @ Habr 2 place · 07/07/2021 05:59 EDT

REST hooks for WebRTC Click to Call. Implementation experience

The "Click to Call" button on the website is an "innovation" that has been around for about 10 years. The technologies under the hood have changed, but the principle remains the same: someone clicks on the button on the site page, then JavaScript launches and requests access to the microphone and establishes a connection to the server — WebRTC SIP gateway. Further, the first client-server leg is a browser gateway,... Read more


janatem @ Habr 1 place · 07/05/2021 14:46 EDT

Measuring Traffic Rate by Means of U-models

Measuring of stream rate in an artist's impression. In one of our previous publications, we talked about a way to measure event stream rate using a counter based on exponential decay. It turns out that the idea of such a counter has an interesting generalization. This paper by Artem Shvorin and Dmitry Kamaldinov, Qrator Labs, reveals it.Read more → Read more


Stolyarrr @ Habr 2 place · 07/05/2021 08:32 EDT

One Day in the Life of PVS-Studio Developer, or How I Debugged Diagnostic That Surpassed Three Programmers

Static analyzers' primary aim is to search for errors missed by developers. Recently, the PVS-Studio team again found an interesting example proving the power of static analysis. Читать далее Read more


WhiteBlackGoose @ Habr 1 place · 07/04/2021 07:04 EDT

AngouriMath 1.3 update

Four months of awesome work together with a few new contributors finally result in a new major release, which I'm happy to announce about.Now we get completely new matrices, improved parser, a lot of new functions, almost rewritten interactive package (for working in Jupyter) and many more.This article about a big update in a FOSS symbolic algebra library for .NET, I hope it may be interesting for someone! Read more Read more


Melanchall @ Habr 1 place · 07/02/2021 14:05 EDT

Creating a NuGet package for a library with platform-specific API

When creating a .NET library with a partially platform-specific API, we should think about how to pack it into a NuGet package so that the installed library will work in various scenarios (.NET Framework, .NET Core, self-contained application and so on). Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a step-by-step instruction on the web that describes how to perform this task. This article is intended to be such an instruction. Read... Read more


sergey_kolobov @ Habr 2 place · 07/02/2021 11:17 EDT

Network Infrastructure — how is it seen by hyperscalers

Network architecture at hyperscalers is a subject to constant innovation and is ever evolving to meet the demand. Network operators are constantly experimenting with solutions and finding new ways to keep it reliable and cost effective. Hyperscalers are periodically publishing their findings and innovations in a variety of scientific and technical groups. The purpose of this article is to summarize the information about how hyperscalers design and manage networks. The... Read more


m31 @ Habr 1 place · 07/01/2021 09:40 EDT

Data Phoenix Digest — 01.07.2021

We at Data Science Digest have always strived to ignite the fire of knowledge in the AI community. We’re proud to have helped thousands of people to learn something new and give you the tools to push ahead. And we’ve not been standing still, either.Please meet Data Phoenix, a Data Science Digest rebranded and risen anew from our own flame. Our mission is to help everyone interested in Data Science... Read more


AntonFomenko @ Habr 2 place · 06/30/2021 10:38 EDT

REST or Events? Choose the right communication style for your microservices

Microservices Architecture is a well-known pattern for building a complex system that consists of loosely coupled modules. It provides better scalability, and it is easier to develop a system in multiple teams so that they don’t interfere with each other too much. However, it is important to choose the right way of communication between the services. Otherwise, this kind of architecture can do more harm than good. Read more Read more


Paull @ Habr 2 place · 06/30/2021 08:33 EDT

Beta-Testing of PVS-Studio Plugin for JetBrains CLion

Visual Studio from Microsoft has long been the main development environment to work with the PVS-Studio analyzer. Our analyzer started off on Windows, so Visual Studio was an obvious and reasonable choice. In more than 10 years of PVS-Studio development, the analyzer has become available for several other languages and platforms. No wonder people ask us if we can integrate PVS-Studio into their favorite IDEs. Read more → Read more


Scallium @ Habr 2 place · 06/29/2021 09:48 EDT

The architecture of a flexible e-commerce platform on the example of a marketplace

When a company decides to build a marketplace, one of the most critical issues to solve is building interaction between all operational processes.You need a system where you can manage and exchange customer, partner, and order data. Often the back-office of a marketplace consists of a complex of systems. However, we have been working with marketplaces for many years and have come to the conclusion that the integration between back-office... Read more


fpn @ Habr 1 place · 06/28/2021 01:14 EDT

WebRTC screen-sharing with authorization and other benefits

The popularity of online education is increasing every month. And since there is an increase in popularity, there is an increase in competition and an improvement in quality: many authors of online schools realized that nowadays it's not enough to just make something mediocre using the frontal camera of the iPhone 4. You need to work on the quality of the picture, sound, presentation of material, etc. Not only did... Read more


fpn @ Habr 1 place · 06/25/2021 12:51 EDT

How to make a multipoint WebRTC conference (MCU) with recording and screen-sharing in the browser

During the lockdown, which is now weakening, then becoming more active with a vengeance, a huge number of new professions have appeared. Proficients in creating involving Instagram Stories, course producers, e-learning specialists and other unknown-before-creatures - all of them have mastered a new job that gave them the holy bread in the pandemic. Once you hire a creator of involving Instagram Stories (and let's all hope this person was teached... Read more


AlexanderKurenev @ Habr 2 place · 06/25/2021 08:11 EDT

Yo, Ho, Ho, And a Bottle of Rum — Or How We Analyzed Storm Engine's Bugs

PVS-Studio is a static analysis tool that helps find errors in software source code. This time PVS-Studio looked for bugs in Storm Engine's source code. Read more Read more


m31 @ Habr 1 place · 06/24/2021 06:09 EDT

DataScience Digest — 24.06.21

The new issue of DataScienceDigest is here! The impact of NLP and the growing budgets to drive AI transformations. How Airbnb standardized metric computation at scale. Cross-Validation, MASA-SR, AgileGAN, EfficientNetV2, and more.If you’re more used to getting updates every day, subscribe to our Telegram channel or follow us on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. Read more Read more


AntonFomenko @ Habr 2 place · 06/24/2021 04:01 EDT

How to be good in hackathons as a developer? Practice creating simple pet projects

Hackathons could be very intimidating and stressful. The key to getting better is doing simple projects. In this article, we will look at an example of a web app that can be used for sharpening your skills when you prepare for a hackathon. We will use a powerful Google API based on Machine Learning and apply the following technologies: ASP.NET, HTML, Docker, Heroku, and Git. Read more Read more


prince86 @ Habr 3 place · 06/23/2021 09:40 EDT

Understanding & Using RxJS in Angular

One of the main challenges in the world of web development is to achieve a seamless user experience. Many factors come into play when trying to achieve the goal of a smooth UX. The user interface, the load-time of webpages, and updating any data/input sent, are some prominent examples.All web development frameworks offer tools that enable the developer to make the UX as smooth as possible. After all, it’s an... Read more


turSystem @ Habr 3 place · 06/23/2021 05:23 EDT

You don't know Redis

Originally posted on DEV.toIn my previous post, I touched on the point that Redis is more than just an in-memory cache.Most people do not even consider Redis as a primary database. There are a lot of use cases where Redis is a perfect choice for non-cache related tasks.In this article, I will demonstrate how I built a fully functional Q&A board for asking and upvoting the most interesting questions. Redis... Read more


prince86 @ Habr 3 place · 06/23/2021 03:31 EDT

Getting To Learn About Angular Ivy

The software development world is a dynamic one. Tools and applications are constantly upgrading and getting better to make advanced technology possible. Technologies that do not upgrade will eventually become obsolete and fade away with time. The principle of constant upgrading is especially true for the really popular tools, like the front-end framework Angular. To provide developers with a more robust and solid front-end development experience, Angular introduced a cutting-edge... Read more


fpn @ Habr 1 place · 06/22/2021 02:25 EDT

Cloud services for WebRTC CDN: How much does it cost? Where to place it?

The developer or owner of a software product often faces the question of choosing a suitable location for hosting server capacity. As you know, software always meets hardware. Read more Read more


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29.09.2024 21:25
Last update: 21:20 EDT.
News rating updated: 04:20.

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