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16.09.2024 − 22.09.2024
dev_family @ Habr 1 place · 09/20/2024 05:27 EDT

React Native Splash Screen — support for different themes

Hi all! The dev.family team is in touch. In this article, we are sharing a short guide on how to install Splash Screen in a cross-platform app written in React Native with support for multiple themes.Splash screen is the first screen that users see before loading into the main application. This screen is perhaps the best way to make the name of your app, and in general, its entire name,... Read more


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Sanctuary_s @ Habr · 10/05/2021 10:42 EDT

[Translation] Все нововведения Windows 11 21H2

Релизной версией Windows 11 стала версия 22000.194.co_release_svc_prod1.210911-1543, которая уже доступна для скачивания.Windows 11 – это смесь пользовательских интерфейсов Windows 10X и Windows 10. Стартовый экран по умолчанию очень похож на стартовый экран из первой. И это первый Windows, который больше не распространяется в виде x86 ISO-образа. Познать UX Read more


mr-pickles @ Habr 1 place · 10/04/2021 07:24 EDT

[Translation] Перплексия в языковых моделях

В этом материале я хочу сделать подробный обзор такого понятия, как «перплексия» («коэффициент неопределённости»), так как оно применяется в обработке текстов на естественном языке (Natural Language Processing, NLP). Я расскажу о двух подходах, которые обычно используются для определения этого понятия, и о тех идеях, которые лежат в основе этих подходов. Read more Read more


daymock @ Habr 2 place · 10/04/2021 05:04 EDT

Helpful service for microservice JSON-RPC based test automation

Test automation, with product built in microservice architecture could be very situational in context of testing goals and ways to achieve them. You got an easy life if you testing a service, that is an isolated entity, which is receiving some data and providing a result of it's work in a response, by callback or through additional endpoint. In this case all you need to do is cover all the... Read more


Saldojin @ Habr 3 place · 10/04/2021 04:53 EDT

How to fund an MVP-stage startup? An ultimate guide to initial funding

Free money to fund your own business is probably the most cherished dream of every budding entrepreneur.And getting a grant is what can bring it to life. While small business owners dream of a grant to fund their startup, the process of its obtaining is not as easy and cloudless as it may seem.However, if you know where to look for the right fund and how to apply, one can... Read more


AlexZus @ Habr 1 place · 10/01/2021 12:27 EDT

Millions of orders per second matching engine testing

I had some experience in the matching engine development for cryptocurrency exchange some time ago. That was an interesting and challenging experience. I developed it in clear C++ from scratch. The testing of it is also quite a challenging task. You need to get data for testing, perform testing, collect some statistics, and at last, analyze collected data to find weak points and bottlenecks. I want to focus on testing... Read more


Scallium @ Habr 2 place · 09/30/2021 13:25 EDT

PIM or MDM: which system is better for retail?

Effective data management is a critical aspect in retail. You have to manage information about customers, products, services, staff, materials, and so on. You should have a source that you will trust. And you need to store, process, moderate, and administer data in this system. Until recently, retailers only knew MDM - Master Data Management. A traditional MDM system is a system that knows about different data sources. It contains... Read more


MrDvorak @ Habr 1 place · 09/29/2021 04:00 EDT

Software testers — an endangered species?

Nothing and nobody will escape oblivion. Whatever you may say, the history of mankind is a history of automation and the subsequent evolution of workers. This happened both during the first industrial revolution and during the second. The same thing happened with digital revolution. Now machine learning and artificial intelligence are being implemented everywhere. What is the future of software testing? Read more Read more


Mixxxxa @ Habr 2 place · 09/28/2021 08:43 EDT

CWE Top 25 2021. What is it, what is it for and how is it useful for static analysis?

For the first time PVS-Studio provided support for the CWE classification in the 6.21 release. It took place on January 15, 2018. Years have passed since then and we would like to tell you about the improvements related to the support of this classification in the latest analyzer version.Read more → Read more


olegchir @ Habr 2 place · 09/28/2021 01:46 EDT

Big Data Tools with IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, DataGrip 2021.3, and DataSpell Support is Now Available

Recently we released a new build of the Big Data Tools plugin that is compatible with the 2021.3 versions of IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm. DataGrip 2021.3 support will be available immediately after the release in October. The plugin also supports our new data science IDE – JetBrains DataSpell. If you still use previous versions, now is the perfect time to upgrade both your IDE and the plugin. This year, we... Read more


illusionofchaos @ Habr 1 place · 09/27/2021 12:23 EDT

How malware gets into the App Store and why Apple can't stop that

Only after I had published a post detailing three iOS 0-day vulnerabilities and expressing my frustration with Apple Security Bounty Program, I received a reply from Apple:We saw your blog post regarding this issue and your other reports. We apologize for the delay in responding to you. We want to let you know that we are still investigating these issues and how we can address them to protect customers. Thank... Read more


MrROBUST @ Habr 2 place · 09/27/2021 08:22 EDT

Why we need dynamic code analysis: the example of the PVS-Studio project

In May 2021, CppCast recorded a podcast called ABI stability (CppCast #300). In this podcast, Marshall Clow and the hosts discussed rather old news — Visual Studio compilers support the AddressSantitzer tool. We have already integrated ASan into our testing system a long time ago. Now we want to tell you about a couple of interesting errors it found. Read more → Read more


Demivan @ Habr 1 place · 09/26/2021 06:53 EDT

Difficulties You Might Encounter When Using vue-i18n

After few months of frustration with trying to use the "de-facto" internationalization library for Vue.js - vue-i18n, I've decided it is time to replace it. And that is why I have created fluent-vue - a Vue.js internationalization plugin that uses Mozilla's Fluent syntax to allow for natural-sounding translations.In this post, I try to explain what problems I have encountered when trying to use vue-i18n library in my app, and how... Read more


beantorong @ Habr 1 place · 09/24/2021 05:44 EDT

Кто такой DevOps и почему это не то, что нам обещали

Спикер курса «Python для инженеров», Денис Наумов, поделился своим пониманием DevOps с двумя примерами из практики: собственной и коллег. Читать статью Read more


ValeryKomarov @ Habr 1 place · 09/24/2021 03:32 EDT

Creating Roslyn API-based static analyzer for C#

After you read this article, you'll have the knowledge to create your own static analyzer for C#. With the help of the analyzer, you can find potential errors and vulnerabilities in the source code of your own and other projects. Are you intrigued? Well, let's get started. Read more Read more


illusionofchaos @ Habr 1 place · 09/23/2021 19:08 EDT

Disclosure of three 0-day iOS vulnerabilities and critique of Apple Security Bounty program

I want to share my frustrating experience participating in Apple Security Bounty program. I've reported four 0-day vulnerabilities this year between March 10 and May 4, as of now three of them are still present in the latest iOS version (15.0) and one was fixed in 14.7, but Apple decided to cover it up and not list it on the security content page. When I confronted them, they apologized, assured... Read more


E_BEREZIN @ Habr · 09/23/2021 09:15 EDT

Как повысить эффективность сотрудников с помощью ERP-системы (ч. 2): роботизируем бизнес-процессы

В предыдущей статье на простых примерах я показал, как можно привести в порядок некорректные данные в ERP-системе. Когда данные в порядке, можно приступать к роботизации бизнес-процессов. Читать дальше >> Read more


Nurked @ Habr 3 place · 09/23/2021 09:00 EDT

Трясём стариной — или как вспомнить Ассемблер, если ты его учил 20 лет назад

Это — тёплая, ламповая статья об Ассемблере и разработке ПО. Здесь мы не будем пытаться писать убийцу Майкрософта или Андроида. Мы будем писать убийцу 2048. Здесь не будет докера и терраформа с кубером. Зато здесь вы сможете найти большое количество материалов по Ассемблеру, которые помогут вам вновь погрузиться в мир трёхбуквенных инструкций. Доставайте пивко, и поехали. Read more → Read more


AlexVakulov @ Habr · 09/23/2021 04:47 EDT

Insights Into Proactive Threat Hunting

Proactive search for complex threats seems to be a useful technology but inaccessible for many organizations. Is it really so? What do companies need to do to start Threat Hunting? What tools are needed for threat hunting? What trends in this area can be seen on the market in the coming years? These are some of the questions I would like to answer in my article today.What is Threat Hunting?Threat... Read more


Cockatoo @ Habr · 09/22/2021 11:04 EDT

A couple of years ago the PVS-Studio analyzer got its first diagnostic rules to check program code compliance with the MISRA C and MISRA C++ standards. We collected feedback and saw that our clients were interested in using the analyzer to check their projects for MISRA compliance. So, we decided to further develop the analyzer in this direction. The article covers the MISRA C/C++ standard and the MISRA Compliance report.... Read more


atomlib @ Habr 1 place · 09/17/2021 09:05 EDT

Who controls App Store: Martians or AI? Closed session of Russia's Federation Council and Apple leaked online

Video recording of a closed session of the upper house of Russia's parliament was leaked online by Telegram channel A000MP97. In the video, Andrei Klimov, head of the Ad Hoc Sovereignty and Preventing Interference in the Domestic Affairs Commission, demands Apple to disclose who controls the App Store: people from Mars or artificial intelligence? On September 16th, a closed session of the Commission took place, and representatives of Apple and... Read more


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29.09.2024 17:34
Last update: 17:25 EDT.
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