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16.09.2024 − 22.09.2024
dev_family @ Habr 1 place · 09/20/2024 05:27 EDT

React Native Splash Screen — support for different themes

Hi all! The dev.family team is in touch. In this article, we are sharing a short guide on how to install Splash Screen in a cross-platform app written in React Native with support for multiple themes.Splash screen is the first screen that users see before loading into the main application. This screen is perhaps the best way to make the name of your app, and in general, its entire name,... Read more


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zamsisadmin @ Habr 1 place · 07/26/2023 15:59 EDT

Wie ich ein einfaches Monitoring von Kanälen mit Benachrichtigungen an Slack ohne Erfahrung gemacht habe

Arbeiten im technischen Support brachte zusätzlich zu allen Aufgaben die Pflicht mit sich, die Kommunikationskanäle zu überwachen. Dies wurde über den Grafana-Dienst realisiert, der die erforderlichen Metriken aus Zabbix bezog. Da die Art der Arbeit jedoch bedeutete, dass man nicht immer an seinem Arbeitsplatz sitzt, kam mir die Idee, dies ein wenig zu automatisieren und Benachrichtigungen auf das Telefon oder zum Beispiel in einen Messenger zu erhalten, falls ein Kommunikationskanal... Read more


VasylArtiushchenko @ Habr 2 place · 07/26/2023 04:20 EDT

6 Best Flutter Development Companies in the US 2023

Understanding the world of Flutter app development can be a challenging endeavor, especially for business executives seeking to create top-notch mobile applications. When it comes to choosing a Flutter development company in the US, finding a reliable and proficient partner is crucial for the success of your app. A wrong choice could result in wasted resources and a subpar app that fails to meet user expectations.Read more → Read more


Daryadesignux @ Habr 3 place · 07/26/2023 03:44 EDT

Выгода от обеспечения доступности сервисов

На связи Дарья Баканова-Жараспаева, ведущий проектировщик и специалист по доступности интерфейсов на Госуслугах. В этой статье поговорим о доступности и деньгах — как посчитать затраты на проекте, что мешает это сделать и сколько в цифрах даёт работа с доступностью. Читать далее Read more


Leschev @ Habr 1 place · 07/23/2023 03:44 EDT

LeetCode 2790 (Hard). Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing Length. Solution of the day. O(N logN). Math

Simple Swift Math Solution.Time complexity: O(N logN).The time complexity of this solution is dominated by the sorting step, making it O(N logN), where N is the length of the input array usageLimits. The rest of the operations involve simple arithmetic and comparisons, which take linear time. Therefore, the overall time complexity of the function is O(NlogN).Only 10 lines of code. Read more Read more


swissspear @ Habr 1 place · 07/22/2023 02:30 EDT

DAOs trends in 2023 — or why DAOs can become the leading one in web3

Against the backdrop of a sharp decline in venture investments in various traditional industries (this is clearly related to the global economic situation), but against the backdrop of certain upheavals in the crypto industry, the question arises of a driver that can become one of the «pillars» of the development of a decentralized industry. Read more Read more


swissspear @ Habr 2 place · 07/21/2023 05:06 EDT

Blockchain use in marketplaces — and how Account Abstraction can help it

Today, it becomes quite obvious that the situation with web3 technology is becoming similar to the situation with programmatic advertising 10-12 years ago. When programmatic-ads just started, the major market players were not very optimistic - it was much easier for them to follow the well-known paths with chains of publishers and agencies. However, once programmatic got rid of the «childhood diseases» and became simple in use, effective in attracting... Read more


florianmarcu @ Habr 2 place · 07/21/2023 00:34 EDT

How to Make an E-commerce App in SwiftUI

In this guide, I'm going to walk you through how to create a simple e-commerce app using SwiftUI and Firebase. The app will include basic functionalities such as product listing, shopping cart, and user authentication.Before we get started, you should have the following installed: Read more Read more


swissspear @ Habr 1 place · 07/18/2023 08:00 EDT

Stages of product work on the MVP of the AI course generator

When developing functional digital products, especially at the preliminary stages (from MVP to alpha versions) many teams use the «technology first» principle. This means a minimum of user convenience, a maximum of engineering competence. When evaluating the potential of a product, further efforts are already in the direction of creating ergonomic visitor paths, design and more. However, here lies the catch - since not two clients or a prospective investor... Read more


tommy113 @ Habr 2 place · 07/18/2023 07:11 EDT

SEO Tips to Magento 2 Product Pages

Avoid duplicate contentMany online merchants face a common challenge with multiple product variations, leading to duplicate content issues. When similar products have slightly different URLs like "?=sortby" or "?p=2", search engines may view them as duplicates, impacting your website's credibility and search rankings. To tackle this: Read more Read more


Andrey2008 @ Habr 3 place · 07/18/2023 05:56 EDT

Review of mini-book «60 terrible tips for a C++ developer»

I wrote a small e-book about terrible tips for C++ developers. Actually, it describes bad programming practices and explains why it's better to avoid them. However, every chapter of this mini-book starts with a terrible tip — just for fun.By the way, these tips may seem artificial but believe me, they are based on the real experience. In other words, the described terrible tips occur in developers' lives — that's... Read more


ENCRY @ Habr 1 place · 07/16/2023 13:57 EDT

Schnorr identification protocol compatibility with instant digital signature mode

The article describes the interactive Schnorr identification protocol (hereinafter referred to as the Schnorr protocol) and formulates the problem of compatibility of this protocol with the instant digital signature (IDS) mode. This post shows how to modify the Schnorr protocol to provide such compatibility. Read more Read more


pkuznetsovdev @ Habr 1 place · 07/11/2023 14:25 EDT

Web Content Elements

React Content Elements is a JavaScript library that enhances the development experience by providing an additional layer for creating HTML structures and CSS styles. Read more Read more


Pisikak @ Habr 2 place · 07/10/2023 15:33 EDT

APRS. AFSK modulator from Flipper Zero

There is such an interesting data transfer protocol - APRS. A lot has already been told about him on the Internet. There will be no in-depth theoretical material here. This article will describe how to create your own "pocket" AFSK modulator. In the following articles there will be instructions for going on the air and for creating a simple demodulator. Which will allow you to accept APRS packages and display... Read more


urusoff @ Habr 2 place · 07/10/2023 11:45 EDT

Spring Data JPA Entity Enum converter

Faced with situation when had to map STRING VALUE coming from database TO ENUM. The problem happens when value stored in database differs from enum name. And here we need a workaround to make a mapping. I will describe main points on how I was able to realise it. Entity field converter? Read more


don_alex_88 @ Habr 1 place · 07/08/2023 16:16 EDT

How to make a robot? What is first

I develop robots, and I'm often asked, "How to make a robot?" and "Where do you find information and what resources do you use?"If you don't know where to start and want to create your own robot, this article is for you. In it, I will try to explain the process and also share the first steps you should take. Read more Read more


Leschev @ Habr 1 place · 07/08/2023 07:50 EDT

Supercharge Your Projects with Custom Hooks

In this article, we dive into the world of custom React hooks and explore the incredible potential they hold for supercharging your work projects. With over 20 carefully crafted hooks at your disposal, I personally utilize these hooks in my own work projects, and now I'm excited to share them with you. From enhancing functionality to streamlining workflows, these custom hooks are designed to empower developers and deliver user-friendly experiences.... Read more


inhere @ Habr 1 place · 07/06/2023 06:18 EDT

gookit/goutil — released v0.6.10, an extension library of common Go features

gookit/goutil An extended library of Go's common functionality. Contains: number, string, slice/array, Map, struct, reflection, text, file, error, time and date, test, CLI, command run, system information, formatting, common information acquisition, etc. Read more Read more


Leschev @ Habr 1 place · 07/03/2023 03:36 EDT

LeetCode 2612 (Hard). Minimum Reverse Operations. Swift. BFS. O(n+k). O(n)

The algorithm follows a breadth-first search (BFS) approach to determine the minimum number of reverse operations needed to bring the 1 to each position in the array.To speed up the algorithm, we mark banned positions with -2 instead of using set lookups. This optimization reduces the constant coefficient and improves the speed of the algorithm, but it may still result in a time limit exceeded (TLE) error.For each visited position,... Read more


aabzel @ Habr 2 place · 07/02/2023 10:44 EDT

Как начертить диск энкодера (или черчение кодом)

В машиностроении есть такие делали, которые очень утомительно чертить вручную. Это, например, шестерни или диск оптического энкодера. Не всякий бесплатный софт способен сгенерировать симметричный и предсказуемый паттерн по кругу.Однако есть языки программирования для черчения. Вот, например, Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language отличный вариант для авто генерации чертежей. Read more Read more


yu228 @ Habr 1 place · 06/30/2023 02:43 EDT

Гайд по UX для телеграм-бота

Телеграм-боты умеют общаться с пользователями, уведомлять о событиях, обрабатывать заказы, присылать аналитику, проводить опросы — это далеко не полный список возможностей, которые делают их незаменимыми помощниками для любого бизнеса. Но написать телеграм-бота с полезным функционалом — это только половина успеха. Важно также подумать о пользовательском опыте.В Маркетплейсе приложений Dodo IS есть уже 2 телеграм-бота, которые помогают управляющим наших ресторанов. Они оба прошли нашу модерацию, а в процессе Read more


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28.09.2024 09:23
Last update: 09:15 EDT.
News rating updated: 16:12.

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