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Habr 2 place · 11/06/2023 22:03 EDT

[Translation] PostgreSQL 17: Part 2 or Commitfest 2023-09

We continue to follow the news of the PostgreSQL 17 development. Let's find out what the September commitfest brings to the table.If you missed our July commitfest review, you can check it out here: 2023-07.Removed the parameter old_snapshot_thresholdNew parameter event_triggersNew functions to_bin and to_octNew system view pg_wait_eventsEXPLAIN: a JIT compilation time counter for tuple deformingPlanner: better estimate of the initial cost of the WindowAgg nodepg_constraint: NOT NULL constraintsNormalizatio Read more


Habr 1 place · 11/04/2023 05:34 EDT

How to Use Throw and Throws in Java

Exception handling in Java is the most effective way to handle runtime errors occurring in the application. This is used to protect the abnormal flow of the execution of the application and continue the application in normal flow. This is the process of handling runtime errors such as ClassNotFoundException, IOException, etc. The throw and throws keywords are used to handle exceptions in Java.In this topic, we will learn how to... Read more


Habr 2 place · 11/03/2023 07:20 EDT

Why Russian Developers are the Best in the World

Why Russian Developers are the Best in the WorldFirst of all, let’s ask, why is it important for us to understand this? The reason for this is that we need to, as developers internalize this information and believe it in ourselves, and understand that this is who we are. As we present ourselves in presale meetings, we need to have this inside of us and project this out. There should... Read more


Habr 2 place · 11/03/2023 03:20 EDT

One-to-One Bidirectional Mapping in Spring Boot JPA

This topic will teach us to implement one-to-one(@OneToOne annotation) bidirectional mapping using Spring Boot, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA. Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/30/2023 10:40 EDT

Top 10 Best Free Partition Manager Software for Windows PC/Laptop

If you are searching for free partition manager software for your Windows PC, then Download the Top and best Partition Manager Software on Windows PC/Laptop.It is a software program that lets us create, delete, shrink, expand, split, or merge partitions on our hard drives or other storage devices. Without extra software, a hard drive will be partitioned into Windows. But we can’t resize or combine them without any extra help.The... Read more


Habr 2 place · 10/30/2023 09:37 EDT

List in Java | Interface, Methods, Example

In this topic, we will learn about what is a List in Java. How to create a List in Java? What are the methods of List in Java? The List is an interface in Java. It is extending the Collection interface in Java. This List interface is present in the java.util package in Java. A list represents a group of individual objects as a single entity where duplicates are allowed... Read more


Habr 3 place · 10/30/2023 08:25 EDT

Anonymous identification for groups

The identification protocol based on the pairing function, resistant to impersonation and compatible with the instant digital signature (IDS) mode, was studied in this article. This protocol uses prover's and verifier's public keys. As a result, there is no anonymity, since certificates including personal data of their owners are issued for the mentioned keys. This article contains a description and analysis of new anonymous identification protocols for groups. Read more Read more


Habr · 10/30/2023 08:13 EDT

Roadmap for Managing Chaos — Planing Migration from a Monolith to Microservices

Roadmap for Managing Chaos - Planing Migration from a Monolith to Microservices This article tries to provide some insight into the complexities of transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservices. Our goal is to offer a high view perspective on the various considerations and challenges that arise during such migrations, terms and keywords you will encounter and their role in this endeavor. Read more Read more


Habr · 10/30/2023 04:55 EDT

UX Designer Job Interview: 10 questions to answer, 5 questions to ask

No matter how many degrees you have or how high your experience level is, your recruiters need to evaluate your knowledge of UX design as a whole. But keep in mind that a job interview is not an exam, so here you are expected not to recite the textbook definitions learned by heart, but rather share your personal understanding of UX and your role as a designer in general. Consider... Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/28/2023 05:46 EDT

React — Higher Order Components (HOC)

In the ever-evolving realm of web development, mastering advanced concepts is essential for creating robust and flexible applications. In this article, we'll delve into one of these foundational React concepts: Higher-Order Components, commonly known as HOCs. Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking advanced techniques or a curious beginner eager to learn, we'll walk through the creation and application of HOCs step by step. Get ready to enrich your development toolkit... Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/26/2023 01:42 EDT

[Translation] Python Lives in Excel

There was already news on Habr about this significant event. Indeed, it resembles a retelling of the official Microsoft press release, but that's how the 'news' should be. Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/24/2023 05:00 EDT

Быстро поднимаем беспроводную сеть в отеле

И снова о гостиничной инфраструктуре.В предыдущей статье мы рассказали о достаточно простой реализации WiFi для мини-отеля.Сейчас мы рассматриваем не мини-отель, а несколько большую бизнес-единицу, например, небольшую гостиницу. Вне зависимости от географического расположения, стабильный доступ в Интернет нужен всегда. Предлагаемое решение может работать не только в отеле, но и в любом публичном месте, где нужен стабильный интернет, например, в библиотеке, доме культуры и так далее. Read more → Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/22/2023 15:09 EDT

Doing 10 minute task in 2 hours using ChatGPT

Many of us have heard stories where one was able to complete days worth of work in minutes using AI, even being outside of one's area of expertise. Indeed, often LLM's do (almost) miracles, but today I had a different experience: Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/21/2023 08:21 EDT

[Translation] Do smartphone cameras need 12-bit ADCs, or my failed experiment

Among photographers, it is known that on "big" cameras the use of 14-bit readout compared to 12-bit can have a positive impact on shadow detail. How does this apply to small sensors in smartphone cameras? Let's find out Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/19/2023 02:00 EDT

High-performance network library using C++20 coroutines

Asynchronous programming is commonly employed for efficient implementation of network interactions in C++. The essence of this approach lies in the fact that the results of socket read/write functions are not immediately available but become accessible after some time. This approach allows for loading the processor with useful work during the wait for data. Various implementations of this approach exist, such as callbacks, actors, future/promise, coroutines. In C++, these implementations... Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/15/2023 04:52 EDT

How sqlalchemy uses greenlet to call an async Python function from a normal function

The Python language has two kind of functions - normal functions that you would use in most cases, and async functions. The latter functions are used when performing network IO in an asynchronous manner. The problem with this division is that async functions can only be called from other async functions. Normal functions, on the other hand, can be called from any functions - however, if you call a normal... Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/14/2023 00:00 EDT


Surprisingly, there are strict mathematical methods that literally allow to hear visual geometric forms and, conversely, to see the beauty of musical harmonies...[Read on Russian] Read more... Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/11/2023 00:30 EDT

React Custom Hook: useTimeout

One of the significant advantages of this custom hook is that it ensures the callback function remains up to date even if it changes during component re-renders. By using a useRef to store the callback reference, the hook guarantees that the latest version of the function is always called. Read more Read more


Habr 1 place · 10/09/2023 11:55 EDT

[Translation] A (more) accurate camera sensor dynamic range measurement

Hello, everyone! In this post, let's talk about how to (more) accurately measure the dynamic range of a camera sensor and what can be done with these measurements.Of course, I am not an expert in computer vision, a programmer or a statistician, so please feel free to correct me in the comments if I make mistakes in this post. Here my interest was primarily focused on everyday and practical tasks,... Read more


Habr 2 place · 10/09/2023 08:08 EDT

Dealing with sanctions and the other difficult question

In our last article we covered the anatomy of a presale meeting gone wrong. In that article we posed some questions for everyone to think about. What exactly does an American company wanting to hire a Russian custom software development company, feel about this Russian company? What are they afraid of? What are their concerns? In the end we came up with five concerns. 1. Is the company a fly... Read more


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